On this blog I compile the life stories of our ancestors. But much of these stories are based on the knowledge and support of others. My grandfather told me many stories before he died: About his childhood, village life in Unterensingen and his ancestors. Without his stories, I could fill these life stories with little more than hard facts and data. Thank you, grandpa!
My mom, my aunt Gabi and my dad also always help me with my research and answer my questions, especially when it comes to the historical context. The rest of the relatives also answers all my questions during family reunions, thank you all for your support and patience!
I would like to thank Mr. Kaßberger for his repeated efforts. He knows his way around Unterensingen, where my grandpa was born and where many ancestors of this line live, and he always has an answer to my location-related questions.
Many thanks also to all the state and local archives as well as the Volksbund Deutscher Kriegsgräberfürsorge, for their research, whether for a fee or, as is often the case in the small archives, free of charge.
Many thanks, also to all other and distant relatives who answer questions, provide photos of common ancestors with whom I can exchange ideas or who I have found by researching common ancestors.